last 2 days we all when out to giant...
need my lotion n toner..da nk abes..
so g la giant beli mende alah 2..
actually the reason y we all pegi giant adalah bcos pura ngidam nk mkn sizzling...
as my personal experience la kn sizzling kt giant tu mmg best gk la nk compare ngn tmpt2 len..
but tht nite i get myself bubur ayam+telor masin..sedap gk...rs gk la cm bubur ayam McD..hehehe
then b4 blk bilik we all singgah kt dpn canselori...
aslnye nk amek gambar air terjun ump 2 je sbb de org req tp jd len lak..ehehhehe...
sedikit sesi pengambaran telah berlaku di situ ye...hahahahahhahaha
xcaye??bukti kt bwh ni..tgk sendirik okeh!!hahaha
aslnye nk amek gambar ni la...air terjun ump yg xberapa nk terjun..=P
then jd cmni....
wan,capinto,pura =)
c tht question mark??itu adalah efek cahaya yg xmenjadi sbb psg flash..hahahaha

wt caption sndr la yek..hehehe

hahahha..pura ko nk doa ape weh???hahahah

syoooouuhhhh!!!tqah 'betakafur' tu...hahahahahah
its normal la kn..as long as camera ready to action so snap2 is compulsory or else is a MUST bebeh!!hahahah..bye!!

wt caption sndr la yek..hehehe

hahahha..pura ko nk doa ape weh???hahahah

syoooouuhhhh!!!tqah 'betakafur' tu...hahahahahah
its normal la kn..as long as camera ready to action so snap2 is compulsory or else is a MUST bebeh!!hahahah..bye!!
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