Thursday, September 30, 2010

it's international cultural nite bebeh!!

entry kali ni nk cite pasal dinner yg da lepas aritu...
it was PERKOSA PERKASA dinner for budak2 fakulti awam..
the main purpose for dinner ni actually nk raikan final year student kejuruteraan awam..
cm aku ni la..huhuhu
so aku pn join la skali dinner ni memandangkan this is my final year kt ump ni kn..ngeh3
the dinner was held on 24.9.2010 at MS Garden Kuantan, hall Astana..
theme die International Cultural Night..
so bermcm2 la gaya yg di gayakn mlm 2..
as 4 me,i just decided tok pki jubah je..
ala2 theme timur tengah yg xbape nk tengah..hahahha
easy peasy nk cr2 bj theme len da..;)
then rmi la jugak yg nmpk len mlm 2..
mn yg xpenah mekap, bermekap2an smp ade yg xnmpk da muke ori..hahahhha 
tp ok la chance dorg nk begaya2...
lgpn dinner last kn mst la memsg nk begaya lebeh kn...;p
so kte layan gambo je la k..
tp cm bese la gambar empunya belog harus ade pd sume gmbr..hahahahah ;p
mls da nk taip pjg2..huhuhu

dgn wan.. pirahna sorg2 mkn..tau la lapar...hahahhaha
with pura in punjabi look n muni in arabian look
wt caption sndr la yg ni...;p
opss!teselit plak gambo ni..hehehe..ngn lani kt blk b4 gerak ke ms garden..(owh tujuan letak pic ni sbb sy nmpk kurus+lansing disitu ye..hahahahha ;p )
with k.eija
with ayong..geng praktikal ms wt dip dlu..huhuhu..dlu kami itam kene bejemor tgh pns ari2 sbb jaga project piling tp skrg kami da putih blk..hahahahah
with wan bj kaler turqoise, nizam-bj itam putih tu (bajet artis yg xbape nk artis la..hahahahah..jgn mrh ek nizam kalo hang tebc belog ini ;p), zuwad yg nyelit kt blkg, apis kt depan (ni plak bajet zed zaidi..hahahah) n muni berbaju ijau kulat..hahaha..
owhhhh!!kami mau begamba dgr "superb dancer" Suren (sleeveless white shirt) n "hot indian bride" Kila!!
miza n aizat n capin n apis...can u see miza n me pelok lenggan aizat???ms ktorg pelok lenggan die 2 kn die teketar2..nape tah..aizat takot ek ngn ktorg ni??? aizat ni muda 2thn dr ktorg be3 cm adek2 je la dont think opposite ya!! ;p
with aimi, awe, pura, n amy
leteh begambo...mari kte lepaking sebentar...huhuhu
sesi asal ade camera celah masok aje..ahhahahah
lepaking lagi.
jugak nk wt caption da.. gambar ex-dip ump..7thn ktorg blaja sm2 kt ump..lame kn?? 2 menandakan kami ni sbenanye benci sayang sgt kt ump ni...ahhahahahah..~ pulak batch degree civil eng. 07/08..xsume ade..kalo sume xmuat plak nk msk dlm pic ni..rmi beb dlm 150+ student batch ni dlm ni pn teselit lecturer fav u spot him??hahahah..well, some of u might spot him but others sure u can't..bcos u don't know him at all!!ahhahahahhaha

that's all....
ok la last but not least terima la....

ini saya! wink* wink*


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

in ur arms ^.^

Ouuchhh u guys out there!
PLEASE2 listen to this song!!!
go find n download this song hurry up guyyssss!!
it's superb awesome!!
i love this song to death ouls!!!
they're from Irish..
for more details u can simply click here!!

actually i know this song about 2 years ago..
n started from tht i felt deep in love with this song..
owhhhh...!!!best2!!sgt best!!!
so i wanna share with u guys one of my most fav song ever!!
n they're so0o0o cute too!!! ;)
so, here they are....

In Your Arms
by Industry

i want you here with me
i want you to comfort me
i want you near to me
but i know that your out there
and your waiting

every time our eyes
will see a photograph
of you and me
i cant wait to get right back
get right back
in your arms

cause every night i
lay in bed where you
used to lay your head
i cant wait to get right back
get right back
in your arms
in your arms

i know that its
hard now boy
theres so many
miles in between
our worlds

i hope that your missing me as much
as im missing you
and i hope that your out there
and your waiting

every time our eyes
will see a photograph
of you and me
i cant wait to get right back
get right back
in your arms

cause every night i
lay in bed where you
used to lay your head
i cant wait to get right back
get right back
in your arms

save all your love
for me you know that
i will protect you
i'd hate for this
distance to break
what you feel for me
you know that im
meant to be
in your arms

every time our eyes
will see a photograph
of you and me
i cant wait to get right back
get right back
in your arms

cause every night i
lay in bed where you
used to lay your head
i cant wait to get right back
get right back
in your arms

in your arms
in your arms


Sunday, September 26, 2010

guide to a better life.....

morning!!!!!(ceh pdhal matahari da tepacak ats kepala ko da capien ooiiiii!)hehehehhehehe...
alaaaaa..bkn pe pn...smlm tdo lewat..2 yg kene kaber blk bgn lmbt..sket je pn lewatnye ;p

so entry kali ni aku nk ckp psl kehidupan...
sume org nk kehidupan yg baek kn..ade ke org x nk????
as for me..kehidupan aku bole dikatekan agak baek jugak bese la kn nobody's perfect pn cm 2 jugak...jd ade jugak la lobang2 sn sni sket...

if ngn family kte mst ade gado2 ngn adek2 badek ke..xpuas ati ngn family ke pe ke aku,aku ske cr psl ngn dorg gk sbb 2 kdg2 gado..kdg2 mende kecik je tp jd cm bom atom jatoh kt jepon dlu 2..hahaahhaa...majok2 ke, nanges2 ke..bese la 2..huhuhuhu

if ngn mmbe2 plak ade yg terasa2..xpuas ati sume la ade...adat la bekwn kn..even kte rapat cm ne pn..even bff dunia akhirat pn if de slh phm ko mst gado gk..tros dr bff jd enemy...wieeeeeuuuuuuuu!!!

if ngn diri sndr lak aku byk gk la conflict..mcm2 conflict ade..jd aku byk conflict dlman yg if pk logik xberapa patot..(2 giler nmnye!tp aku xgiler k..waras g..kalo jari tnjk peace aku tau tu still bilangan 2...hahahhahah) slalu xcukup duet pn conflict gk..mcm2 nk beli..sume mende nk beli la...(mn xcukupnye xsmp smmgu je duet aku bole abes air wey duet..2 xnmpk sgt mende yg aku gn tok duet 2..ish3)opsss!!! pas2 problem ngn belajo pn temasok gk..pressure beb!sem last ni aku byk wt projek..sume leceh2..sometimes rs cm give up gle da..bosan ahhh!!!tp sbb pk da sem last je la..kalo bole xnk la smp repeat2, extend2 pe sume kn..nk la grad on time..hehehehhehe...problem ngn dr sndr pn ye gk..aku pn ske pk mende bkn2..kdg2 smp mmbe aku ckp mende xpatot pk, aku pk,,mende yg die x pk aku pk..hahahhahah..gasak la kn..nk wt yg kene improve nih!wekkkk!hahahahhahahah

pape pn bak kate org masalah, problem, conflict, mende2 -ve pe sume yg sewaktu mksd dgnnya adalah asam garam kehidupan..kte mmg xleh lari dr mende ni sume..cewaaaahhhh!!!(huh?????ape ko merepek ni ha p0mpuan???dush2!!!)

okey2..back 2 the main topic k...hahahhahahaha
aku de dpt 1 emel ni..dr makda aku..
die fwd emel title "guide to a better life"...
aku pk sesuai jugak tok di sharekn bersama kt blog ni..
well sharing is caring kn..hehehehhehe

Author die namenye Randy Pausch, 47 tahon, Computer Sc. lecturer dr Mellon die ni da meninggal..die tulis buku tajok "The Last Lecture" yg jd antara bestsellers in yg harunye dlm surat yg die tulis kt wife die, Jai n ank2 die, Dylan, Logan and Chloe, cm die tinggalkan pesanan n guide la kt dorg, die tulis ni "guide to a better life"......

ni la die Randy Pausch


so here some guides tht he left..
if korg nk bc full book die sile purchase la ya..
pegi cr kt kedai2 buku..mesti ade...



1. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
2. Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
3. Don't over do; keep your limits
4. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does
5. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
6. Dream more while you are awake
7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
8. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
10. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
13. Smile and laugh more
14. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


15. Call your family often
16. Each day give something good to others
17. Forgive everyone for everything
18. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
19. Try to make at least three people smile each day
20. What other people think of you is none of your business
21. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.


p/s - dlm byk2 tu ade gk la certain part kene mengena ngn life aku esp. part dlm byk2 tu korg cmne????huhuhuhuhu


gambo raye ;)

cmne raye korg???best x???hehehehe
wokeh tahun ni cm tahun sblm2 ni gk ktorg akan beraya di sungai karang(side mama).
nk balik side babah jugak (muar) tp keadaan x mengizinkn...
len kali raye blk sn plak k ;)
raye kali ni sm je cm raye2 thn2 lps cuma tahun ni sesi "salam kaut" agak kucar kacir sket..
biasenye ikot turn start dr ayah long smp la last skali asu..
tp thn ni xikot turn sebat je sape yg ade dlu..
tp xkesah la kn janji yg penting aku dapat duet raye! hahahahahahhahaha
okeh ckp psl duet raye plak kn..hasil pungutan duet raye thn ni la paling banyak best skali...
dorg cm tau2 je kn tahun ni last aku bole kutip cukai..hahahahah..
tp if tahon dpn xkeje gk lg consider blaja lg la kn???bole dpt lg la duet raye kn???hahahahhahaha duet..duet..duet..hhaahhaha =P

ok la mls la nk bebel taip pjg2 sgt..kte layan gambar je k..
tp entri ni mayb byk gambo sket la..
nk msk kn start dari last day puase sampaiiiiii la ke ari2 raye..hehehhehe
sile jgn muntah plak k..kalo nk muntah pn muntah la..hahahaha
enjoy k

::last day puasa+malam raya::

in the making of ketupat palas by cekngah ;p

prepare tok bukak pose+hari raye..

ketupat daon malas palas

xtau org pgl pe mende alah 2 yg de tempurung kepala kelapa kt kayu tepacak 2

sebahagian pembakar bbq


nyummmmeh jugak!


sesi men bunga api+merconnnn!! nicha cm hantu terbang

tukang cuci ayam..bgs2 ;p

2 org ank dara...sue+piya

::hari raya in action:: 

ni ms kt rumah

my beloved mama n babah

mereka bermaaf-maafan...:)

babah cayang mama,,mama cayang babah..cooo cuittttt!!huhuhu

my turn..mintak ampun bnyk2 ya mama..byk wt dosa ngn u now n 4ever!muuahhh!

mintak ampun ujung rambut smp ujung kaki ye babah...lap u!!!muahhh!

adek no.2-nabilla

nabilla jugak..

adek only brother

wafi jugak

adek no.4-yana

yana jugak..

adek no.5-adekcu

adekcu jugak

my lovely n naughty little sister-bb nicha

budak ni xde salam2 da tros dtg pelok je,,huhuh

yeayyyyy!!kami dpt duet raye!tq mama babah..dabel love!!!

okey skrg ms kt sungai karang pulak...

smp2 je kt sg.karang tros memsg ngadap meja mkn..lapo beb!menu: ns minyak, aym msk merah, kuah dalca, rendang, kuah kacang, ketupat palas, satay--->sumenye mengemokkn!!!
okey ni geng2 laki in xsume msk ni..babah pn xde..g mn tah babah ms ni..
okey ni geng perempuan in action sume xde jugak..
ni pn geng perempuan..heheheh

geng remaja bekerja yg wajib bg duet..owh next time aku plak kene join geng ni skali...xmoooo! ;(

kazen yg xcukup korum

kazen2 yg xcuk0p korum jugak..ketua die yg duduk bj biru 2 org 2..huhuhu


tgk sn wehhh!!ape 2???hahahaha

owhhhhh!ayu nye yg duduk besimpuh 2 ;P

ni je gambar yg ade sebagai bukti kutip cukai..(wekkk!prasan je..ade ke org kesah ko dpt duet raye ke x??ish3) tq asu+maksu kasi itu duet ya ;D

yg org2 tua sume cuk0p korum tp yg mude2 xcukop korum gk..sebok nk mkn je yg len 2...ish3

from left: makda+uncle rijal, mid: pengantin yg xberapa nk baru: asu+maksu, right: mama+babah..suke la pict ni sgt2! <3

n last but not least terima lah........
gambar empunya belog yg sudah semakin kurus gemok!hahahahhahaha

