how's ur weekend??happening??
my weekend ok la...just so-so..d(^_^)b
i supposedly shud b at my home on this weekend becos there was an engagement one of my cousin,faiz at dungun,terenganu..
n also my secondary schoolmate,liyana norfarhana being engaged too at panching,kuantan..
but i can't go to both majlis...
im stuck here at ump with kinda boring seminar...=(
pity me,,,hukhukhuk...
anyways wish both of u,faiz my cousin and my dearie fren, yana happy ever after..
moge kekal smp kawen,smp dapat ank cucu..=))
hurm,,,the seminar???
it was call seminar softskill and its compulsory to all ump student who's registered for softskill..
the seminar was held on the weekend only which is starting from 8.30am-4.30pm on saturday and 8.30am-1.00pm on sunday..(so lazy to wakeup early on the wekend larrrr..aishh!!)
then we are devided into 10 large group n my group is group 7..
on saturday, each group got 3 slot..my group start the seminar with supervising skills, social skills and trouble shooting+decision making..
on sunday got 2 slot only that is planning skills and coaching/monitoring skills...
overall,i can conclude only coaching/monitoring is the blast,best, masyuk,happening n TERBAEKKKKK!!we play kind of game..hehehehhe
but the rest just boring n so-so..huhuhuhu
leteh la dengar seminar ni sebenanye...kn3?huhuhu
next week de lg 5slot seminar..malasnyeeeee!!!
k la nk tdo..td tdo kene kacau sbb pegi seminar ni..
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Waterfall here i come!!ahahhaha
olla pepel..=)
hows ur day??me..quite tired =(
but last friday (26.2) was such a happening day...
my girlfrenz n me pegi mandi waterfall!!wooohoooo!!
the girlz was:me,wan,tqah,pura,miza,awe,aimi jehan,aimi fadlini,muni,amy,mcsue,mcja,lani n kawan aimi j(xingt name)..heheheh
sooo de sesape penah pegi Bekelah waterfall x???
best kn3???hehehhe
waterfall die jenis Cascades Multiple falls...
lagi tggi kte daki, kte akan jupe lagi byk waterfall..
it was like waterfall after waterfall..
waterfall die ade byk..betingkat2..tp xsure la bpe tgkt die tu..
kalo nk tau lg detail leh click here
nvr been to waterfall kt tgkt atas tu but my adk,wafi da penah pegi..
he told me, it was best gilerr+air die jernih sgt2..
die siap bwk blk g air tu dlm mineral bottle..prove die ckp..jgn men2..heheh
kt 1st waterfall ktorg pegi tu pn air die da jernih,leh nmpk ikan swim2 kt kaki,u imagine la sndr kt ats2 tu cmne..heaven okeh!!hahah
it was my 2nd trip to bekelah...
memule pegi dlu ms time buat dip..xingt ble da..
tp yg pntg ms pegi dlu2 tempat die len sgt nk compare ngn kali ni,,hehehehe
ok lah meh nk cite sket trip ktorg g HUTAN LIPUR BEKELAH tu..
it was evrybody gathered around 9.30am(supposed to b at 9am but bese la kn..hehe)
convoi 3 cars:lani,miza n tqah...
b4 betolak ke sn when to pump station,,nk boh myk la kn pe g,,=P
then br betolak bebtol n from ump it might takes about 20min to reach there..
but tu br smp kt main entrance tau..
then its take us about half hour or more nk smp ke parking bcos track die unpaved..
ktorg nek kete kelisa je so kene slow+careful sket la..xleh laju2..ehhehe..
but miza+lani laju gle..xcited nk mnd la tu..hehehhehe
then we had to take a long walk bebeh..
yes very2 tired smp berpeloh2 okeh but berbaloi2..hehe
y smp berpeloh2???
it bcos the track we all lalu 2 agak jaoh, panas, n advancerous gk la..
memsg bising je ckp "ble nk smp ni??jaoh lg ke??adoiiiii la.."ahahhahah
but its okey..evrybody steady jek..kn3..hehehhehe
and here we spend about 20min-30min again to reach at the waterfall..
fuh2!!memsg sile tarik nafas pepjg yekk!!hehehe
u c..to reach at the waterfall je its take us about 1hour
sangat jaoh okeh!
da smp tu ape lagi..mandi mande la kn,,hahahah
yg excited mnd aimi jehan ngn kwn die..smp2 je tros tejon..ktorg membedal mknan..
lapo okeh!mkn sandwich+hotdog..besh2!pas2 br tejon msk air..hahahaha
ms ktorg smp 2 xde org lg...ktorg dpt port besh...sume org tgk jeles..hahahhaha
lame2 br de rmi org dtg...dlm gk air die..
tp xberani nk pegi kt waterfall tu sbb dlm sgt bg perenang amator mcm ktorg ni..
kalo da pro xpe la kn,,hahhahahha
ktorg berendam+berenang+begambo+maen2 mmg xhengat la..
xkuar pn dr air tu..berendam je..kalo sejok bejemor kt ats batu..
konon2 feeling nk tanned kulit la..hahaha
ktorg mnd de gk la nk dkt 3-4jam..
cm xingt nk blk je memsg..heheheh
b4 blk ktorg pegi mkn..lapo+letih+ngntok gle!!
sume mke da leteh je..hahahahah
then muke pn da tukar merah,,sunburn!!!hohohohoho
sampai je bilik tros nmpk katil je,,,sleep2!!hehehhehe
tp overall besh la,,,len kali plan nk dtg lg tp with proper planning cos td last minutenye plan..hehheheh
so njoy some pics ya!!=)
p/s~gambar time mnd xleh nk upload coz kepala memsg tgh "togel"..togel here mean xpki tudung..heheheheh..bye!!
hows ur day??me..quite tired =(
but last friday (26.2) was such a happening day...
my girlfrenz n me pegi mandi waterfall!!wooohoooo!!
the girlz was:me,wan,tqah,pura,miza,awe,aimi jehan,aimi fadlini,muni,amy,mcsue,mcja,lani n kawan aimi j(xingt name)..heheheh
maps to bekelah
sooo de sesape penah pegi Bekelah waterfall x???
best kn3???hehehhe
waterfall die jenis Cascades Multiple falls...
lagi tggi kte daki, kte akan jupe lagi byk waterfall..
it was like waterfall after waterfall..
waterfall die ade byk..betingkat2..tp xsure la bpe tgkt die tu..
kalo nk tau lg detail leh click here
nvr been to waterfall kt tgkt atas tu but my adk,wafi da penah pegi..
he told me, it was best gilerr+air die jernih sgt2..
die siap bwk blk g air tu dlm mineral bottle..prove die ckp..jgn men2..heheh
kt 1st waterfall ktorg pegi tu pn air die da jernih,leh nmpk ikan swim2 kt kaki,u imagine la sndr kt ats2 tu cmne..heaven okeh!!hahah
it was my 2nd trip to bekelah...
memule pegi dlu ms time buat dip..xingt ble da..
tp yg pntg ms pegi dlu2 tempat die len sgt nk compare ngn kali ni,,hehehehe
ok lah meh nk cite sket trip ktorg g HUTAN LIPUR BEKELAH tu..
it was evrybody gathered around 9.30am(supposed to b at 9am but bese la kn..hehe)
convoi 3 cars:lani,miza n tqah...
b4 betolak ke sn when to pump station,,nk boh myk la kn pe g,,=P
then br betolak bebtol n from ump it might takes about 20min to reach there..
but tu br smp kt main entrance tau..
then its take us about half hour or more nk smp ke parking bcos track die unpaved..
ktorg nek kete kelisa je so kene slow+careful sket la..xleh laju2..ehhehe..
but miza+lani laju gle..xcited nk mnd la tu..hehehhehe
then we had to take a long walk bebeh..
yes very2 tired smp berpeloh2 okeh but berbaloi2..hehe
y smp berpeloh2???
it bcos the track we all lalu 2 agak jaoh, panas, n advancerous gk la..
memsg bising je ckp "ble nk smp ni??jaoh lg ke??adoiiiii la.."ahahhahah
but its okey..evrybody steady jek..kn3..hehehhehe
and here we spend about 20min-30min again to reach at the waterfall..
fuh2!!memsg sile tarik nafas pepjg yekk!!hehehe
u c..to reach at the waterfall je its take us about 1hour
sangat jaoh okeh!
da smp tu ape lagi..mandi mande la kn,,hahahah
yg excited mnd aimi jehan ngn kwn die..smp2 je tros tejon..ktorg membedal mknan..
lapo okeh!mkn sandwich+hotdog..besh2!pas2 br tejon msk air..hahahaha
ms ktorg smp 2 xde org lg...ktorg dpt port besh...sume org tgk jeles..hahahhaha
lame2 br de rmi org dtg...dlm gk air die..
tp xberani nk pegi kt waterfall tu sbb dlm sgt bg perenang amator mcm ktorg ni..
kalo da pro xpe la kn,,hahhahahha
ktorg berendam+berenang+begambo+maen2 mmg xhengat la..
xkuar pn dr air tu..berendam je..kalo sejok bejemor kt ats batu..
konon2 feeling nk tanned kulit la..hahaha
ktorg mnd de gk la nk dkt 3-4jam..
cm xingt nk blk je memsg..heheheh
b4 blk ktorg pegi mkn..lapo+letih+ngntok gle!!
sume mke da leteh je..hahahahah
then muke pn da tukar merah,,sunburn!!!hohohohoho
sampai je bilik tros nmpk katil je,,,sleep2!!hehehhehe
tp overall besh la,,,len kali plan nk dtg lg tp with proper planning cos td last minutenye plan..hehheheh
so njoy some pics ya!!=)
the arrival..
mke excited nk mandi waterfall..=)
welcome to hutan lipur bekelah!!
sungai kering kontang??at 1st sume wt assumption xde air..huhu..but seriously panas gle lalu kt sni..
pas mandi mande perlu la makan..restore energy..ehhehehheh
p/s~gambar time mnd xleh nk upload coz kepala memsg tgh "togel"..togel here mean xpki tudung..heheheheh..bye!!
On tht nite....
last 2 days we all when out to giant...
need my lotion n toner..da nk abes..
so g la giant beli mende alah 2..
actually the reason y we all pegi giant adalah bcos pura ngidam nk mkn sizzling...
as my personal experience la kn sizzling kt giant tu mmg best gk la nk compare ngn tmpt2 len..
but tht nite i get myself bubur ayam+telor masin..sedap gk...rs gk la cm bubur ayam McD..hehehe
then b4 blk bilik we all singgah kt dpn canselori...
aslnye nk amek gambar air terjun ump 2 je sbb de org req tp jd len lak..ehehhehe...
sedikit sesi pengambaran telah berlaku di situ ye...hahahahahhahaha
xcaye??bukti kt bwh ni..tgk sendirik okeh!!hahaha
last 2 days we all when out to giant...
need my lotion n toner..da nk abes..
so g la giant beli mende alah 2..
actually the reason y we all pegi giant adalah bcos pura ngidam nk mkn sizzling...
as my personal experience la kn sizzling kt giant tu mmg best gk la nk compare ngn tmpt2 len..
but tht nite i get myself bubur ayam+telor masin..sedap gk...rs gk la cm bubur ayam McD..hehehe
then b4 blk bilik we all singgah kt dpn canselori...
aslnye nk amek gambar air terjun ump 2 je sbb de org req tp jd len lak..ehehhehe...
sedikit sesi pengambaran telah berlaku di situ ye...hahahahahhahaha
xcaye??bukti kt bwh ni..tgk sendirik okeh!!hahaha
aslnye nk amek gambar ni la...air terjun ump yg xberapa nk terjun..=P
then jd cmni....
wan,capinto,pura =)
c tht question mark??itu adalah efek cahaya yg xmenjadi sbb psg flash..hahahaha

wt caption sndr la yek..hehehe

hahahha..pura ko nk doa ape weh???hahahah

syoooouuhhhh!!!tqah 'betakafur' tu...hahahahahah
its normal la kn..as long as camera ready to action so snap2 is compulsory or else is a MUST bebeh!!hahahah..bye!!

wt caption sndr la yek..hehehe

hahahha..pura ko nk doa ape weh???hahahah

syoooouuhhhh!!!tqah 'betakafur' tu...hahahahahah
its normal la kn..as long as camera ready to action so snap2 is compulsory or else is a MUST bebeh!!hahahah..bye!!
Monday, February 22, 2010
budak kenit itu...
entry kali ni sj nk cite psl my last sista-iman nur nisya'@baby nicha..
die da nk msk 5thn da thn ni..
skrg sebok soh ajar bace abc,123 n so on,,,
die rajen bc buku..tp cnfrm2 la die wt ayat sndr je kn..
da mcm ape da bunyi ms die bc 2..hahahah..tp bgs la cm 2,,at least nmpk die rajen..ehehhe
die ske gk tulis+lukis..gedik nk tulis yg tulisan sambung2..nk tulis cm org besa tulis die ckp..ahahhah...

ni la hasilnye...bb nicha bitau yg ats 2 babah die,,kiri bwh mama die,,kanan bwh baby die,,,ahhaha,,die siap bg name lg tp aku xingt...heee~~~
dak kenit ni jugak geng gado aku...mst de je yg xpuas ati..bese la kn sulong jupe bongsu..hahaha..
one thing..die ni xpelat lansung tp de 1,2 pekataan die kekdg ckp pelat xsedar..
4 example la kn cm tangan=tanyan, tengok=tenyok..hahahahah,,
mmg smp sudah la kene ejek ngn aku..pas2 die ckp xnk kawan aku..hahahha..
ok fine,,along xkesah pn..hahahahahhahah
neway im proud 2 have her as my sister..syg bb nicha sgt2...muahhhh2!!!
entry kali ni sj nk cite psl my last sista-iman nur nisya'@baby nicha..
die da nk msk 5thn da thn ni..
skrg sebok soh ajar bace abc,123 n so on,,,
die rajen bc buku..tp cnfrm2 la die wt ayat sndr je kn..
da mcm ape da bunyi ms die bc 2..hahahah..tp bgs la cm 2,,at least nmpk die rajen..ehehhe
die ske gk tulis+lukis..gedik nk tulis yg tulisan sambung2..nk tulis cm org besa tulis die ckp..ahahhah...
sebok menulis tulisan org besar,,tp....xingt nk snap gambar tulisan 2 plak,,heheheh
ni plak pic ms die sebok melukis...
ni la hasilnye...bb nicha bitau yg ats 2 babah die,,kiri bwh mama die,,kanan bwh baby die,,,ahhaha,,die siap bg name lg tp aku xingt...heee~~~
dak kenit ni jugak geng gado aku...mst de je yg xpuas ati..bese la kn sulong jupe bongsu..hahaha..
one thing..die ni xpelat lansung tp de 1,2 pekataan die kekdg ckp pelat xsedar..
4 example la kn cm tangan=tanyan, tengok=tenyok..hahahahah,,
mmg smp sudah la kene ejek ngn aku..pas2 die ckp xnk kawan aku..hahahha..
ok fine,,along xkesah pn..hahahahahhahah
neway im proud 2 have her as my sister..syg bb nicha sgt2...muahhhh2!!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
di kala petang ari~~lalalala
hola miamor~~!!
mati la saya,,,mood mls tgh bemaharajelela ni..:(
hurm...next week ade 2 paper for mid term..
but still don't have mood nk study..haihh~~!!
giler la kn..wake up capien wehh!!!
btw here some photo's rs nk di upload..njoy!!
last but not least..hahahhahah
mati la saya,,,mood mls tgh bemaharajelela ni..:(
hurm...next week ade 2 paper for mid term..
but still don't have mood nk study..haihh~~!!
giler la kn..wake up capien wehh!!!
btw here some photo's rs nk di upload..njoy!!
malam ari di benteng kuantan...(xtau nk wt caption pe..hahah)
owh..gamba ni menjadi sgt "hot hot heat" after awe msk kn dlm fb..hahaha..owh..2 kn teknik amek gamba semata2..xpasan ehhh!!
ms otak tgh x center..jd cmni la..isk3
dalam kete pn bole..
dalam kete lagi,,,hahha
u see kete+lampu2 blkg ktorg blur tp mke ktorg xblur..power x??hahaha..tah pape jek
motif:sj nk bitau muni beli camera baru..hahahha)
motif:sj nk bitau muni beli camera baru..hahahha)
last but not least..hahahhahah
~~wink wink!!~~
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
i wake up so early today tau..hukhuk..(kantoi bgn lmbt slalu..tp xslalu la... ;P)
(tetb TERASE nk nyanyi lagu kesha~~i wake up in the morning feel like p.diddy..ecehh!!)hahhaha..........
tp kn till now cannot get some sleep even bak kate nenek2 dolu2 'tdo2 ayam' since the subuh prayer td..dono y la weh..ish!da la smpkn rumet aku si zila debab~jgn mrh yek zila..hahahaha 2 pn notice ckp aku asek gerak2 tejage je ms tdo..cm xleh tdo(gue mmg xbpe bley nk tdo lene mlm td..isk) tp tetb pg td aku bole bgn sndr dengan jayenye...yeayy!!plek ek??hukk!ye tau~sbb sy kalo tdo,bom meletop pn xtentu g dgr..nk2 pulak kalo org kejot soh bgn ni mmg agak "keliatan" la...hahahha
so now wht i try to do issssssssss....open the lappy n gugel some info bout my 'psm'....
then tetb kan TERASE~~terase lg~~hahahaha..rajen nk menulis belog ni ha..huhuhu
then tetb TERASE~(lg terase???okeh!!)~~ cm mengantok la pulak...hukhuk..
tp kang kul 11 ade clas plak...hep me ;((
nk get back to sleep rs cm kang bgn2 tdo pening kepala plak tdo kejap2 ni..xpn takot kang da tdo tetb mls nk bgn g clas..hehhehe..
porke miamor??????
pist3x~~i treat myself with some "xercises" today weh!!EKSESIES okeh!!surprising meh!!ngeh3---ni kn kal0 mama tau ni mst bangge sbb aku tetb rajen wt xercise..wekkk!!bangge la sgt takat wt senaman ni ha..ceh!!hahhahah----
(read-sbb xbole nk cont tdo okeh..sbb 2 tetb TERASE rajen nk wt xcersice..hahhahaha)
i wake up so early today tau..hukhuk..(kantoi bgn lmbt slalu..tp xslalu la... ;P)
(tetb TERASE nk nyanyi lagu kesha~~i wake up in the morning feel like p.diddy..ecehh!!)hahhaha..........
tp kn till now cannot get some sleep even bak kate nenek2 dolu2 'tdo2 ayam' since the subuh prayer td..dono y la weh..ish!da la smpkn rumet aku si zila debab~jgn mrh yek zila..hahahaha 2 pn notice ckp aku asek gerak2 tejage je ms tdo..cm xleh tdo(gue mmg xbpe bley nk tdo lene mlm td..isk) tp tetb pg td aku bole bgn sndr dengan jayenye...yeayy!!plek ek??hukk!ye tau~sbb sy kalo tdo,bom meletop pn xtentu g dgr..nk2 pulak kalo org kejot soh bgn ni mmg agak "keliatan" la...hahahha
so now wht i try to do issssssssss....open the lappy n gugel some info bout my 'psm'....
then tetb kan TERASE~~terase lg~~hahahaha..rajen nk menulis belog ni ha..huhuhu
then tetb TERASE~(lg terase???okeh!!)~~ cm mengantok la pulak...hukhuk..
tp kang kul 11 ade clas plak...hep me ;((
nk get back to sleep rs cm kang bgn2 tdo pening kepala plak tdo kejap2 ni..xpn takot kang da tdo tetb mls nk bgn g clas..hehhehe..
porke miamor??????
pist3x~~i treat myself with some "xercises" today weh!!EKSESIES okeh!!surprising meh!!ngeh3---ni kn kal0 mama tau ni mst bangge sbb aku tetb rajen wt xercise..wekkk!!bangge la sgt takat wt senaman ni ha..ceh!!hahhahah----
(read-sbb xbole nk cont tdo okeh..sbb 2 tetb TERASE rajen nk wt xcersice..hahhahaha)
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