Sunday, April 18, 2010

the day went i wake up..

today is sunday..
sunday is equal to holiday..
holiday is equal to study..
study is equal to crack brain damages!

finally final exam is coming!!
my 1st paper start tomorrow equal to 19.4.2010
while the last paper is next 2 week equal to 5.5.2010
my exam schedule always being a lil bit dem!
the opening and closing..(xbole ke stat tgh2 pas2 abes awl sket??ish!)
whatever it is i have no study yet for tomorrow paper..
giler kentang x???weeehuuuuu~~
and the craziest thing is....
i still can go out+spending time at kuantan+joli2+tekinja2 kat karaoke,,
hebat sungguh capinto ini!!
die memang gilosss!!
last but not least amek aku tepek muke aku yg putih macam opera cine sbb pencahayaan yg bagos smp xnmpk parot jawat aku,,hahahaha

enuf enuf!!
go study capin!!


rumate ko... said...

go study ke go kroh2??

capinto said...

aku stdy la,,ko yg kroh3...ish3