Tuesday, February 15, 2011

i'm pregnant?????

giler ko kalo aku pregnant..nk kene pancong????haih -.-'
actually kawan saye sudah pregnant..saye bilakah???muahahahhahaha...
smlm ktorg akhirnye dpt gk jupe si izzah ni...
besar gle kot perot die..
sudah 7bulan n berat die 85kg..
die ckp nurse marah sbb die berat sgt..1month die gain 5kg..gle x????
sbb tu nurse marah takot nnt susah nk deliver..2 izzah yg ckp la..tp mmg cm 2 ek???xtau la plak..huuuuu..
besar gk kn????huuuuuuuuu

anyways,smlm ktorg nk mkn steamboat tp tutup lak kedai tu..
last2 ktorg pegi kt santai je..
mkn la sume org western food..
mmg tebelahak la mkn..
aku pn xterabes lamb chop die..byk kot...huuuuuu

i'm going to be aunty capiento..heheheheh
haih...hitamnye la aku...muahahahhaha

pape pn..moge izzah n baby sehat smp msnye...
aku nk baby gurl weh!!
byk sket choice bj comel2 nk beli..hehehehhe..


Thursday, February 10, 2011

psssttt~pssstttt~~ :D

da lame xupdate kt blog ni...
tetb ni rajen plak nk update..wahhhh!!kagum dgn diri sndr ;D

hurm,,act xde pe yg best sgt nk di cite cume skrg agak busy ngn internship ni..ms intern ni pn stay kat gampang gambang lagi sbb kene anta kt projek UIA Gambang...balik2 muke aku ni mmg stok tersadai kt gambang ni la =,=

ha meh nk cite sket psl site UIA ni..
site ni teletak kt Gambang dekat ngn matrix,kolej komuniti,kalo lalu hway LPT tu leh nmpk tepi jalan je..nnt tempat rekriasi die btol-btol tepi gambang waterpark..hahahhahah
so, nk pegi ke site ni kene masok smpg matrix gambang dlu, kire kene lalu jalan nk ke matrix tu la..then site ni pn btol-btol sbelah kolej komuniti jd sehaluan la nk ke kolej komuniti tu...
jalan nk masok ke site opis ni bapakkkkkk la jaoh gle..agk2 dlm 2km gk la...jaoh seyyyyyy...xcaye???ce tgk..ce tgk..ce tgk..haaaaaaaaaa

nunnnnnnnn sampai ujung sane nak masok ke site ni...jawooooooohhhhh..bangunan2 yg kt tepi tu la kolej komuniti...

caye x aku cakap bapakkkkk die jaoh nk sampai ke dalam tu...da sampai ke pagar dalam tu ko kene masok dalam lagi...baru la jupe site opisnye....huhuhuhu...

tp yg best nye aku ni kalo nk msk ke dalam tu pakai redah je tumpang sape2..nk bawak kete???kalo ko xsayang kete sile la bawak masok ye...alamat nye sebulan lepas tu ko rajen2 la anta kete tu kt kedai nk wt service slalu....huahuahua...nk masok pn standard la kete 4x4..engineer aku pn xbagi bawak masok kete..rosak nnt die cakap..tp de pacik2 operator machine yg otai2 tu slambe je bawak masok kete..siap soh aku drive kete die g wt msk dlm site tu..aku pn drive je la org da soh kn...hahahahah..tp kalo ujan ko pk la sndr cmne upe muke bumi die..time ni kete sume tesadai kt luar je la..xbole bawak masok da....xcaye???xpe2..ce tgk ni..ce tgk...ce tgkkkkkkkkkk.....

ha tgk....ni la upenye masa hujan...ktorg panggil tanah ni bubur...ahhahahaha..ko nk mandi lumpur???pon boleeeeee..meh la dtg site aku ni tyme hujan...bubur die stok paras2 lutot ko..amacm??best kn???hahahhaha..

nk tgk dekat lagi upe die??boleeeeeeee...amek aku tepek..ngeh3

kalo tyme ujan mmg trok la...kete yg masok mmg xde upe kete la senang cite..4x4 pn besusah payah nk redah jalan ni..licin pn ye gk...tp skrg cuace da panas balik n jalan pn da compact2..da lay crusher run so bole la ko nk merempit dlm site tu..tp awas!!15km/j sahaje ye!hahahahahhaha

tp dlm byk2 transport nk masok dlm tu yg paling best naek jcb a.k.a backhoe la..ahhahaha..tp yg paling xleh bla nek backpusher..sumpah tegelak2 and rase macam kuasikong sgt2!hahahah..mn tak nye..kene diri kt blkg backpusher tu smbl pegang besi die..diri plak atas tray die je..jalan plak tak stable..br pas ujan lak tu tanah confirm2 la lembap+basah kan..ko byg kn je la..ngn turun naik,gegar sn gegar sni,lubang sana,lubang sni..sumpah lawok!sepanjang nk smp ke site opis tu mat2 bangla,mat indon sume la tgk sengeh2 kt aku..lantak ko la nk pk pe..janji aku selamat smp sudeyhhh...tp yg xbest xsmpt nk amek gambar ms nek tu..tak tingat lnsg nk amek gmbr...huuuuu..

ni la gambo back pusher yang aku naek tuuuu..aku diri kt atas penyodok blakang die tu...ala yang upe die macam penyodok sampah tu..pastu pegang besi yg kt tengah2 tu...gile mantap x???ko penah???ngeh3
okeh..ni plak backhoe a.k.a jcb yg aku slalu nek..tp yg dalam gmbr ni kecik sket kot dari yang bese aku naek..xpe nnt de ms aku g ngulor dalam site tu amek gambo mesin2 geng transformers ni k..hahahhaha

haaaaa..aku pn penah nek crane jugak tauuuu!aku dok kt tempat operator die lagi..hahahah..ms ni ujan..xde transport len gk yang nak masok ke dalam tok tumpang2 so kebetulan de crane ni..aku pn pe lagi tros g tanye driver crane tu.."bang,nk tompang masok ke dalam sane boleee"???ngeh3..

haaaaaa...sile la tgk kukukakiku..hahahahahhaa..dlm ni de 2 kipas..aku pn demand seyyyyyy..siap soh abg tu on kan kipas tu then aku pn telelap la dalam jangka masa bape minit pn aku xtau..ahhahahahahha..bkn pe..nk tggu bole masok ke dalam tu punye la kejap smp kejang montot aku dok dalam crane tuuu lame2..haih!
ni la kipas yg berjasa mengipaskan aku sepanjang dok dalam crane tu...ngeh3
crane ni la yang berjasa menumpangkan aku masok ke dalam site tu...Berjaya Crane Services itulah name diberii...ahhahahah
okey...ni ms memule dapat masok dalam crane tu...jakun kejap!hahahahaha..pe lagi..kte men2 la amek gambo..bkn senang nih nk nek crane ni..ahahahhaha..muntoh la para driver crane yg tebace statement aku ni!!!hahahha

okey yang kat bawah ni plak seketol due ketol gmbo selingan adegan di site..cewahhh!!!hahahahha

ni excavator tolong tolak lori 10tayar bawak U-drain yg stuck kt lumpur...kt blakang tu excavator dpn tu lorry ye adek2...:D
ni plak antara jcb,lorry and crane...masa ni ktorg kt kantin tgh makan..tetb tgk crane kt depan tu besusah payah tarik lorry tu...mmg sgt2 bersusah payah la..jalan tu mmg naek bukit sket+licin sbb hujan jd mmg tak lepas la lorry tu nk naek...da lame tu baru la datang jcb push dari belakang..maka berjaya la adegan tolong menolong tersebo0o0ot...ngeh3
kasot yg di beli khas tok dibuat belasah ketika dalam site..owh..perlu ke ko nk tnjk kukukakiko??? =,-

okeylah..stop dlu la...pjg plak aku cite pasal internship aku ni..hahahahhah..len kali aku amek gmbr site aku plak yek..hurm,,so far da 1bulan lebeh da stay kt site 2..macam2 mende la jd...huaaaaa..pape pn akan berusaha untuk betahan smp bulan6 ni...hiyarkkkkkkk!!!

heeeeee ;)



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

wht's ur addicted???

pe yg membuatkan anda addict sgt2???????
dior addict??hehehheheh
ha?bau gam!!???owh..pls don't do tht okey!!!!!!!!!!

being me...im very addicted too this...

yes!its comic!!
 but only from gempakstarz!!!
so far in my collection ade dlm 50buah comics!
owh!sy sangat sayang comics saye!!!!
if pergi kedai buku or 7-eleven mesti nk cari comic ni...
but my fav comic is only from local cartoonist...
such as zint,ben,kaoru... (just mentioned few of them..)
most of them zint is my fav cartoonist.. 
my 1st comic ever "Under 18 by Zint" and its still in good condition!!!bought in 2004
here are some form Zint...still waiting for KIJIYA new episode..and others from Zint too~
tp yg alih2 bahasa ni xminat la...
don't know y...huhuhuhu (owh nmpk sgt im a good malaysian rite! ;p)
so here other comics from others cartoonist..

 comics by Ben
 comics by kaoru and will buy more from it..
by Xanseviera..owh comic snap! sgt besh..
by Juice
by King Kong
Comics by Others Cartoonist

my collection mayb not many as yours but i really sayang all my comics!!! 
but certain comic da xde publish kot...
byk lg dlm list yg perlu di beli tp payah nk jumpe..
kt website gempakstarz!!! pn xde...
xpe3...nnt if tejumpe surely kene rembat punye!hehehehe
 so last but not least..
all my comics!!!! ;)


Monday, November 29, 2010

falling slowly anyone???

anybody know this song???
penah dengar x???
yg penah dgr 2 suke x lagu ni???
i just love this song so much!

so far in my collection ade 2 version..
by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, the original version and by Kris Allen, American Idol version..
i prefer the original one! 
mcm lagi feel with the way die nyanyi and the music too...
owh.actually lagu ni adalah ost film Once kalo xsilap la...
xpenah plak tgk cite ni...xpnh tau pn ade cite ni actually..lol!
so,as usual here some video and lyric for falling slowing..
njoy ;)

The Lyric (by ori version)
Falling Slowly
by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova

I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You've made it now

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you had a choice
You've made it now

Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing along
I paid the cost too late
Now you're gone

The Video

Sunday, November 28, 2010


hye..wt pe 2??sehat?pekaba?huhuhuh
pe ko ingt ni msge ke capin oi nk tanye2 cm tu..?ahhahaha
wtever la kn...;p
actually sj je pn hupdate blog ni...
kebosanan yg amat ini smp xtau nk wt pe dah!! (!_!)
nk tgk movie tp xde mood nk tgk...(pdhal br pas tgk glee season2 part8..xbesh sgt episod ni..huhuhu)
nk surf tenet pn xde mood gk pdhal emel belambak g xtebace..uhuk!
nk tdo pn xde mood nk tdo gk g...
bosan jek....

bosan2 ni ade blog leh gk nk share2 gambar..kn3..hehehhe
kalo korg xnk tgk pn xpe..xkesah pn ;p
okey2 topic arini psl wedding ye kwn2...ngeh3..
skrg ni tgh musim dak2 baya aku kawen...
ktorg panggil "musim nk mengawan" bole?ahahhahahaha...
tp btol gk pe...;p
contohnye last week je de 3majlis kenduri wat serentak ari yg sama!
dorg nk amek tarikh 201110 la tu..cm aku x tau..heheheh

ade 2majlis kawen, 1majlis tunang...
kenduri ni sume dak2 ms aku skol kt seri dlu yg wt...
ktorg convoi 2kete..
memule pegi umh yg tunang tu dlu namenye shuhada,aku panggil shu je..
die ni rapat ngn aku gk ms skol dlu..
die antara membe2 yg panggil aku apien..ehehehe
kalo pgl apien 2 kire close la..capin pn close gk k..ish!huuuuu~

her name is shuhada nordin ;)

cik deb n cik rus


haaaa~patotnye shu la kene dok tengah-tengah..ape la izzah ni..ish3


xlame pn ktorg kt umh shu..
xdpt tggu smp tunang die smp pn sbb tunang die lambat sgt smp..
jd xdpt la nk tggu lame lame sbb nk kejar ke majlis len plak kn..
xpe..janji dpt jupe shu pn okey la kn ;)

then pegi kt majlis kawen lak..
yg kawen ni plak name dorg liana farhana panggil yana je ngn ain mansor pgl ain je...
yana ni pn close gk ngn aku ms skolah dlu..
ni stok2 pgl aku apien la kirenye...heeee
kt kenduri yana dpt stay lame sket...
sweet je yana ngn theme ijau die...
plg ske bilik die...
simple but nice! ;)
jom tgk gambar yana plak

yana n husband ;)
again~si deb n si kecik
mari beraksi bersama pengantin!hehehehe
lagi beraksi bersama pengantin..hekhek
okey..pengantin laki da surrender..kasi can pmpn2 lak..huuuu~
bilik yana yg sgt sweet..theme english garden!
anggor die gemok-gemok weh!!geram nk amek satu!ahahahha

tp just dpt pegi tunang shu ngn kawen yana je...
kawen ain xdpt nk pegi sbb jaoh kt jengka nu..huuuu
sorry yek ain..huuuuu~~~
bukan pe, xsmpt nk pegi da cos mlm tu aku nk blk hostel da, wocho lak nk pegi bera..
jd mmg xsmpt la nk ke sn da....hukhuk
pape pn congratz la kt dorg sume...
sume cantek2..cun2...comey2...
sronok tgk dorg da kawen..nnt tggu majlis aku plak ye...acececece ;p
ble 2 agaknye yek???ngeh3...
pape pn im happy for them..hopefully kekal dunia akhirat ye kwn2...;)

okey..bln dec ni pn calender aku full gk ngn wedding kwn2,sedara2,jiran2...
nnt pegi la mn yg sempat pegi..xsempat 2 kemslm dr jaoh je la ye..huhuhu
bese la cuti skol kn..mst la sume nk rebut time time cm ni..ehhehehhe
sokey..mls plak nk taip pjg2...
layan je la gambar yg terlebeh selebehnye ni k..
njoyy!! ;)

okey...the driver of the day ;p
pimpin memimpin?hehehe
kawan saya ini adalah hot mummy wannabe!!izzah tgh pregnant 4month!caye x?hehehe
brator nk amek doorgift???nk salam pengantin sbenanye..nk balik sudah..
kehkeh...sian yana tersenget crown die aku wt!!
ngn eja~die adalah pengapit yana ari2..
okey...perot da buncet jom kte balik!hehehehe

pict byk amek kt umh yana je since lepak sn lame sket..
till then selamat pergi kenduri kawen ya'll!
